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Intimacy: Are you afraid of intimacy? Why or why not? Are you able to achieve emotional intimacy with others? If not, what happens when you try to stay in a close or intimtate (emotional) space with someone else?

I am not sure what intimacy is. All I know about is sex.


I crave intimacy but at the same time afraid to let people get too close. One reason is they will find out what a worthless person I am and the other is that they eventually will find they do not like me and will push me away just as I was beginning to really think that this person really *did* like me....and then I get hurt...again. With my closest intimate relationship, I am very intense and focused on him and terrified that someone will come to ruin this perfect relationship.


I am extremely uncomfortale with being emotionally intimate with most people. This is directly related to my fear of rejection and abandonment. Being around other people frequently raises my anxiety level because I often feel trapped.


I deeply crave intimacy, particularly touch (non-sexual) now. And I can achieve intimacy at times, although I'll question it over and over. Like if I had an intimate talk with someone, and don't always, it feels like that talk never really happened. I am afraid of it too, because I am afraid of hurting someone and getting hurt myself if I get too attached. I love intimacy, except it's all wrapped up in possible abandonment for me.


Intimacy, what is that? It terrifies me. I feel like it will kill me if I get too close to anyone. People are not safe, life is not safe, getting to close just engulfs me. I don't understand it all though cause I wish I could be like everyone else and be and feel close to people...but I don't. I don't really have much use for people unless they can give me what I want. Intimacy is too risky, I don't think I could ever be that real. I don't know really who I am and so I don't know who I would be being if I was ever close to anyone

If someone gets too close I take off and or I push them away. I punish anyone who tries to move into my space.


I really want intimacy in my life. It hurts a great deal to not be close to anyone really right now. I do have a boyfriend, but I don't feel to close to him, or like I can really trust him. He wants to be close to me and it scares me a lot. I can't stop pushing away when someone is too close just like I can't stop pulling at someone who feels too far away. I don't know why but everyone either feels too close or too far away.


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